That’s a wrap on BSidesTLV 2024 💙🇮🇱💙 - Thank you

Thank you for joining BSidesTLV 2024!
With over 1,200 tickets sold, this year was sold out once again :)
We are thankful and honored to serve our community, in particular during this difficult ear. Our theme “Together We Hack” focused on the local community’s resilience and strength, despite the crisis and war going on in Israel since the Oct 7 attacks.

Videos and photos from our 2024 events will be posted here and on our youtube channel soon!

Highlights of our event

  • BSidesTLV 2024 took place June 27, 2024 at Smolarz Auditorium, Tel Aviv University.
  • Sold out event! 1200+ people attended in person throughout the day
  • 25 speakers on our main stage & 1 special hardware workshop
  • 43 unique CTF challenges (both online and on-site!)
  • 36 incredible volunteers making sure everyone had a great time
  • 7 sponsors & partners who made our event possible
    • Palo Alto Networks
    • Porsche Digital
    • Sygnia
    • Oasis
    • Sans
    • Varonis
    • Tel Aviv University ICRC!

Have an idea to share on our main stage?
Want to join us in 2025 as a volunteer, workshop leader, speaker or sponsor ?
Make sure to join our mailing list to be notified when the 2025 CFP kicks off.
Our community powered, volunteer run event depends on the generous sponsors to make everything possible.

Please contact us at [email protected] for more info.

Thank you and stay safe,
The BSidesTLV 2024 Team

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CTF Challenges

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Some pictures of BSidesTLV 2023

See all photos